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Pediatric Transplantation
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Meta-analysis of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in major histocompatibility complex class II deficiency / Andrés Felipe Escobar González
Título : Meta-analysis of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in major histocompatibility complex class II deficiency Tipo de documento : documento electrónico Autores : Andrés Felipe Escobar González, Fecha de publicación : 2020 Títulos uniformes : Pediatric Transplantation Idioma : Inglés (eng) Palabras clave : hematopoietic stem cell transplant major histocompatibility complex class II deficiency primary immunodeficiency Resumen : Major histocompatibility complex class II deficiency is a rare case of PID. Specific recommendations for hematopoietic stem cell transplant, the only curative treatment option, are still lacking. This meta‐analysis aims to identify the factors associated with better prognosis in these patients. Thirteen articles reporting 63 patients with major histocompatibility complex class II deficiency that underwent hematopoietic stem cell transplant were included. The median age for hematopoietic stem cell transplant was 18 months. The most common source of transplant was bone marrow, with alternative sources as umbilical cord blood emerging during recent years. The highest proportion of engraftment was seen with umbilical cord. Engraftment was higher in patients with matched donors, with better overall survival in patients with reduced‐intensity conditioning. Graft‐vs‐host disease developed in 65% of the patients, with grades I‐II being the most frequently encountered. There was a higher mortality in patients with myeloablative conditioning and no engraftment. There was an inverse correlation between survival and stage of graft‐vs‐host disease. The main cause of mortality was infectious disease, mostly secondary to viral infections. Ideally, matched grafts should be used, and reduced‐intensity conditioning should be considered to reduce early post‐transplant complications. GVHD and viral prophylaxis are fundamental. Mención de responsabilidad : Lina Maria Castano‐Jaramillo, Jose Bareño‐Silva, Santiago Tobon, Andres Felipe Escobar‐Gonzalez Referencia : Pediatr Transplant. 2020 Sep;24(6):e13774. DOI (Digital Object Identifier) : 10.1111/petr.13774 PMID : 32678504 En línea : Enlace permanente : Meta-analysis of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in major histocompatibility complex class II deficiency [documento electrónico] / Andrés Felipe Escobar González, . - 2020.
Obra : Pediatric Transplantation
Idioma : Inglés (eng)
Palabras clave : hematopoietic stem cell transplant major histocompatibility complex class II deficiency primary immunodeficiency Resumen : Major histocompatibility complex class II deficiency is a rare case of PID. Specific recommendations for hematopoietic stem cell transplant, the only curative treatment option, are still lacking. This meta‐analysis aims to identify the factors associated with better prognosis in these patients. Thirteen articles reporting 63 patients with major histocompatibility complex class II deficiency that underwent hematopoietic stem cell transplant were included. The median age for hematopoietic stem cell transplant was 18 months. The most common source of transplant was bone marrow, with alternative sources as umbilical cord blood emerging during recent years. The highest proportion of engraftment was seen with umbilical cord. Engraftment was higher in patients with matched donors, with better overall survival in patients with reduced‐intensity conditioning. Graft‐vs‐host disease developed in 65% of the patients, with grades I‐II being the most frequently encountered. There was a higher mortality in patients with myeloablative conditioning and no engraftment. There was an inverse correlation between survival and stage of graft‐vs‐host disease. The main cause of mortality was infectious disease, mostly secondary to viral infections. Ideally, matched grafts should be used, and reduced‐intensity conditioning should be considered to reduce early post‐transplant complications. GVHD and viral prophylaxis are fundamental. Mención de responsabilidad : Lina Maria Castano‐Jaramillo, Jose Bareño‐Silva, Santiago Tobon, Andres Felipe Escobar‐Gonzalez Referencia : Pediatr Transplant. 2020 Sep;24(6):e13774. DOI (Digital Object Identifier) : 10.1111/petr.13774 PMID : 32678504 En línea : Enlace permanente : Reserva
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Código de barras Número de Ubicación Tipo de medio Ubicación Sección Estado DD001398 AC-2020-075 Archivo digital Producción Científica Artículos científicos Disponible Extrahepatic portal vein aneurysm after liver transplantation in a child: case report / Lucila Beatriz Molinares Arevalo ; Sergio Álvarez Vallejo ; Vanessa García Gómez ; María Elsy Sepúlveda Hincapie ; Nora Luz Yepes Palacio
Título : Extrahepatic portal vein aneurysm after liver transplantation in a child: case report Tipo de documento : documento electrónico Autores : Lucila Beatriz Molinares Arevalo, ; Sergio Álvarez Vallejo, ; Vanessa García Gómez, ; María Elsy Sepúlveda Hincapie, ; Nora Luz Yepes Palacio, Fecha de publicación : 2013 Títulos uniformes : Pediatric Transplantation Idioma : Inglés (eng) Palabras clave : Liver transplantation portal vein aneurysm Resumen : Portal vein aneurysms are very rare and represent Mención de responsabilidad : Beatriz Molinares, Sergio Alvarez, Vanessa García, Maria Elsy Sepúlveda, Nora Luz Yepes, Sebastián Peláez Referencia : Pediatr Transplantation 2013: 17: E33–E36. DOI (Digital Object Identifier) : 10.1111/j.1399-3046.2012.01782.x PMID : 22943740 En línea : Enlace permanente : Extrahepatic portal vein aneurysm after liver transplantation in a child: case report [documento electrónico] / Lucila Beatriz Molinares Arevalo, ; Sergio Álvarez Vallejo, ; Vanessa García Gómez, ; María Elsy Sepúlveda Hincapie, ; Nora Luz Yepes Palacio, . - 2013.
Obra : Pediatric Transplantation
Idioma : Inglés (eng)
Palabras clave : Liver transplantation portal vein aneurysm Resumen : Portal vein aneurysms are very rare and represent Mención de responsabilidad : Beatriz Molinares, Sergio Alvarez, Vanessa García, Maria Elsy Sepúlveda, Nora Luz Yepes, Sebastián Peláez Referencia : Pediatr Transplantation 2013: 17: E33–E36. DOI (Digital Object Identifier) : 10.1111/j.1399-3046.2012.01782.x PMID : 22943740 En línea : Enlace permanente : Reserva
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Código de barras Número de Ubicación Tipo de medio Ubicación Sección Estado DD000234 AC-2013-002 Archivo digital Producción Científica Artículos científicos Disponible Hepatic transplantation in a child with giant multicystic tumor: pathological and imaging findings / María Elsy Sepúlveda Hincapie ; Nora Luz Yepes Palacio ; Sergio Iván Hoyos Duque
Título : Hepatic transplantation in a child with giant multicystic tumor: pathological and imaging findings Tipo de documento : documento electrónico Autores : María Elsy Sepúlveda Hincapie, ; Nora Luz Yepes Palacio, ; Sergio Iván Hoyos Duque, Fecha de publicación : 2010 Títulos uniformes : Pediatric Transplantation Idioma : Francés (fre) Palabras clave : Hepatic cystic tumor transplantation pathological imaging Resumen : A 30 month old male white child presented with 13 months of increasing abdominal girth. The MRI and MDCT showed a giant heterogeneous and predominantly cystic mass with thick and nodular septation, measuring approximately 18, 15, 20 cm, which occupied almost the whole liver. A histological diagnosis was not possible, which necessitated transplantation. One year after transplantation the course has been satisfactory without recurrence and with normal hepatic function and negative tumor markers Mención de responsabilidad : Germán A Castrillon, Elsy Sepúlveda, Nora L Yepez, Sergio Hoyos, Germán Osorio Referencia : Pediatr Transplantation 2010 Aug;14(5):e58-61. DOI (Digital Object Identifier) : 10.1111/j.1399-3046.2009.01166.x PMID : 19413715 En línea : Enlace permanente : Hepatic transplantation in a child with giant multicystic tumor: pathological and imaging findings [documento electrónico] / María Elsy Sepúlveda Hincapie, ; Nora Luz Yepes Palacio, ; Sergio Iván Hoyos Duque, . - 2010.
Obra : Pediatric Transplantation
Idioma : Francés (fre)
Palabras clave : Hepatic cystic tumor transplantation pathological imaging Resumen : A 30 month old male white child presented with 13 months of increasing abdominal girth. The MRI and MDCT showed a giant heterogeneous and predominantly cystic mass with thick and nodular septation, measuring approximately 18, 15, 20 cm, which occupied almost the whole liver. A histological diagnosis was not possible, which necessitated transplantation. One year after transplantation the course has been satisfactory without recurrence and with normal hepatic function and negative tumor markers Mención de responsabilidad : Germán A Castrillon, Elsy Sepúlveda, Nora L Yepez, Sergio Hoyos, Germán Osorio Referencia : Pediatr Transplantation 2010 Aug;14(5):e58-61. DOI (Digital Object Identifier) : 10.1111/j.1399-3046.2009.01166.x PMID : 19413715 En línea : Enlace permanente : Reserva
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Código de barras Número de Ubicación Tipo de medio Ubicación Sección Estado DD000115 AC-2010-047 Archivo digital Producción Científica Artículos científicos Disponible