Journal of Theoretical Biology
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A phenomenological-based semi-physical model of the kidneys and its role in glucose metabolism / Carlos Esteban Builes Montaño
Título : A phenomenological-based semi-physical model of the kidneys and its role in glucose metabolism Tipo de documento : documento electrónico Autores : Carlos Esteban Builes Montaño, Fecha de publicación : 2021 Títulos uniformes : Journal of Theoretical Biology Idioma : Inglés (eng) Palabras clave : Physiological systems Kidneys Glucose metabolism Parameter interpretability Phenomenological-based semi-physical model (PBSM) Resumen : The kidneys play an important role in glucose homeostasis in three ways: Via endogenous glucose production from non-carbohydrate precursors (e.g. glutamine, lactate, alanine, glycerol) during both postprandial and post-absorptive states; via glucose filtration and reabsorption by the glomerulus and proximal tubule, respectively; and via glucod the elimination of its excess in the urine when glucose levels exceed 180 mg/dl. The renal release of glucose into the circulation occurs mainly in the renal cortex and results from the glucose phosphorylating capacity of those renal cells, meaning that, cells in the renal cortex can form glucose-6-phosphate. Considering glucose filtration and reabsorption, the kidneys filtrate and reabsorb all circulating glucose, rendering the urine virtually glucose-free in a healthy person. Finally, the kidneys take up glucose from the circulation for energetic self-supply. Besides their role in glucose metabolism, the kidneys are the major site of insulin clearance from the systemic circulation, removing approximately 50% of peripheral insulin. In this regard, insulin clearance by kidneys occurs by degradation in the proximal tubule after being filtered in the glomerulus. All the aforementioned mechanisms affect the glucose concentration levels in the blood, preventing the parametrization of a mathematical model for patients with diabetes mellitus, in the implementation of an artificial pancreas. Aiming for a complete physiological model of the glucose homeostasis, a physiological submodel of the kidneys is presented in a way not described in the literature so far. This submodel is a phenomenological-based semi-physical model with a basic structure rooted in the conservation law and for which the parameters are interpretable. The model’s results coincide well with the available clinical data reported for kidney functions associated with glucose and insulin. Mención de responsabilidad : Laura Lema-Perez, Carlos E. Builes-Montaño, Hernan Alvarez Referencia : J Theor Biol. 2020 Sep 18;110489. DOI (Digital Object Identifier) : 10.1016/j.jtbi.2020.110489 PMID : 32956669 En línea : https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0022519320303441 Enlace permanente : https://hospitalpablotobon.cloudbiteca.com/pmb/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_dis A phenomenological-based semi-physical model of the kidneys and its role in glucose metabolism [documento electrónico] / Carlos Esteban Builes Montaño, . - 2021.
Obra : Journal of Theoretical Biology
Idioma : Inglés (eng)
Palabras clave : Physiological systems Kidneys Glucose metabolism Parameter interpretability Phenomenological-based semi-physical model (PBSM) Resumen : The kidneys play an important role in glucose homeostasis in three ways: Via endogenous glucose production from non-carbohydrate precursors (e.g. glutamine, lactate, alanine, glycerol) during both postprandial and post-absorptive states; via glucose filtration and reabsorption by the glomerulus and proximal tubule, respectively; and via glucod the elimination of its excess in the urine when glucose levels exceed 180 mg/dl. The renal release of glucose into the circulation occurs mainly in the renal cortex and results from the glucose phosphorylating capacity of those renal cells, meaning that, cells in the renal cortex can form glucose-6-phosphate. Considering glucose filtration and reabsorption, the kidneys filtrate and reabsorb all circulating glucose, rendering the urine virtually glucose-free in a healthy person. Finally, the kidneys take up glucose from the circulation for energetic self-supply. Besides their role in glucose metabolism, the kidneys are the major site of insulin clearance from the systemic circulation, removing approximately 50% of peripheral insulin. In this regard, insulin clearance by kidneys occurs by degradation in the proximal tubule after being filtered in the glomerulus. All the aforementioned mechanisms affect the glucose concentration levels in the blood, preventing the parametrization of a mathematical model for patients with diabetes mellitus, in the implementation of an artificial pancreas. Aiming for a complete physiological model of the glucose homeostasis, a physiological submodel of the kidneys is presented in a way not described in the literature so far. This submodel is a phenomenological-based semi-physical model with a basic structure rooted in the conservation law and for which the parameters are interpretable. The model’s results coincide well with the available clinical data reported for kidney functions associated with glucose and insulin. Mención de responsabilidad : Laura Lema-Perez, Carlos E. Builes-Montaño, Hernan Alvarez Referencia : J Theor Biol. 2020 Sep 18;110489. DOI (Digital Object Identifier) : 10.1016/j.jtbi.2020.110489 PMID : 32956669 En línea : https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0022519320303441 Enlace permanente : https://hospitalpablotobon.cloudbiteca.com/pmb/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_dis Reserva
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Código de barras Número de Ubicación Tipo de medio Ubicación Sección Estado DD001566 AC-2020-079 Archivo digital Producción Científica Artículos científicos Disponible Phenomenological-Based model of human stomach and its role in glucose metabolism / Carlos Esteban Builes Montaño
Título : Phenomenological-Based model of human stomach and its role in glucose metabolism Tipo de documento : documento electrónico Autores : Carlos Esteban Builes Montaño, Fecha de publicación : 2019 Títulos uniformes : Journal of Theoretical Biology Idioma : Inglés (eng) Palabras clave : Digestion-absorption carbohydrates glucose homeostasis phenomenological based model Resumen : The stomach is a segment of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract which receives food from the esophagus, mixes it, breaks it down, and then passes it on to the small intestine in smaller portions. In the stomach, the main secretory functions and digestion process begin. However, the most critical and important function of the stomach in digestive physiology is perhaps gastric motility. In this way, the functions of the stomach are mainly three: (i) the storage of large quantities of food to be further processed in the duodenum, and lower intestinal tract, (ii) the mixing of this food with gastric secretions to form a semi-fluid mixture, and (iii) to slow down the emptying of that semi-fluid mixture into the small intestine at a rate suitable for proper digestion and absorption. Regarding the motor activity, the stomach must consume glucose to generate the power necessary to carry out the digestion process. Although glucose consumption in the stomach is relatively low, it can affect the glucose concentration in the bloodstream. In order to know the variations in the glucose levels in the bloodstream during the stomach digestion, a Phenomenological Based Semi-physical Model (PBSM) of the role of the stomach in the glucose homeostasis is developed. The simulation of the stomach model is able to mimic physiological results without risking the life of the patient, in order to test the impact of diverse medicines and foods on glucose homeostasis. The model may then be integrated to existing models of glucose homeostasis to improve the simulation scenario with respect to the glucose appearance from a mixed meal. Our model allows the change of the macronutrient composition and rheological properties of the meal as well as the digestion particularities of every subject. In this way, the integrated model will be fitted to real patient physiology providing a better model to use in, for example, automated insulin delivery systems like the artificial pancreas (AP) Mención de responsabilidad : Laura Lema-Perez, Jose Garcia-Tirado, Carlos Builes-Montaño, Hernan Alvarez Referencia : J Theor Biol. 2019 Jan 7;460:88-100 DOI (Digital Object Identifier) : 10.1016/j.jtbi.2018.10.024 PMID : 30315814 En línea : https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0022519318305009 Enlace permanente : https://hospitalpablotobon.cloudbiteca.com/pmb/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_dis Phenomenological-Based model of human stomach and its role in glucose metabolism [documento electrónico] / Carlos Esteban Builes Montaño, . - 2019.
Obra : Journal of Theoretical Biology
Idioma : Inglés (eng)
Palabras clave : Digestion-absorption carbohydrates glucose homeostasis phenomenological based model Resumen : The stomach is a segment of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract which receives food from the esophagus, mixes it, breaks it down, and then passes it on to the small intestine in smaller portions. In the stomach, the main secretory functions and digestion process begin. However, the most critical and important function of the stomach in digestive physiology is perhaps gastric motility. In this way, the functions of the stomach are mainly three: (i) the storage of large quantities of food to be further processed in the duodenum, and lower intestinal tract, (ii) the mixing of this food with gastric secretions to form a semi-fluid mixture, and (iii) to slow down the emptying of that semi-fluid mixture into the small intestine at a rate suitable for proper digestion and absorption. Regarding the motor activity, the stomach must consume glucose to generate the power necessary to carry out the digestion process. Although glucose consumption in the stomach is relatively low, it can affect the glucose concentration in the bloodstream. In order to know the variations in the glucose levels in the bloodstream during the stomach digestion, a Phenomenological Based Semi-physical Model (PBSM) of the role of the stomach in the glucose homeostasis is developed. The simulation of the stomach model is able to mimic physiological results without risking the life of the patient, in order to test the impact of diverse medicines and foods on glucose homeostasis. The model may then be integrated to existing models of glucose homeostasis to improve the simulation scenario with respect to the glucose appearance from a mixed meal. Our model allows the change of the macronutrient composition and rheological properties of the meal as well as the digestion particularities of every subject. In this way, the integrated model will be fitted to real patient physiology providing a better model to use in, for example, automated insulin delivery systems like the artificial pancreas (AP) Mención de responsabilidad : Laura Lema-Perez, Jose Garcia-Tirado, Carlos Builes-Montaño, Hernan Alvarez Referencia : J Theor Biol. 2019 Jan 7;460:88-100 DOI (Digital Object Identifier) : 10.1016/j.jtbi.2018.10.024 PMID : 30315814 En línea : https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0022519318305009 Enlace permanente : https://hospitalpablotobon.cloudbiteca.com/pmb/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_dis Reserva
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Código de barras Número de Ubicación Tipo de medio Ubicación Sección Estado DD001246 AC-2019-036 Archivo digital Producción Científica Artículos científicos Disponible